News and Views About East Hartford

A recent East Hartford Gazette published the following letter to the editor submitted by Richard J. Bollash. "In a recent was reported that Mayor Larson had reimbursed the town for the cost of a brochure explaining changes to the town's Dial-A-Ride program. This action was taken in agreement with a decision by the state Elections Enforcement Commission after a complaint filed by Susan Kniep, the losing candidate in November's mayoral election. The commission, however, rejected Susan's claim for additional reimbursements by ruling in effect that the brochure did not advocate Mayor Larson's re-election, but rather dealt solely with changes in the Dial-Dial-A-Ride services. Susan Kniep attempted to portray this brochure as an example of Mayor Larson's desperate attempt to win re-election at all cost, even at taxpayer's expense. It would appear however that in reality Susan was the one who chose the low road after being rejected by her own Republican Party and being forced to run as an independent. Pehaps sensing that her political career was on the brink of extinction after a series of failed political campaigns and lost elections she chose to wage a desperate, no-holds-barred win-at-all costs campaign. Never having been one to allow the facts of an issue to cloud her personal and political ambitions and biases, Susan set out to deliberately mislead East Hartford's Senior Citizens and to distort the changes and improvements made to the town's Dial-A-Ride Program. She and her political cohorts resorted to extreme measures to convince seniors that they would be left stranded, unable to get to doctor's appointments and other vital services. Preying on the emotions and anxieties of East Hartford's most vulnerable citizens to sway votes to her candidacy represented a new low - even for Susan Kniep. In the face of Susan's ranting, the the East Hartford Department of Social Services and the Mayor's office were compelled to prepare and distribute the brochure in question. This was done in an attempt to correct Susan's misrepresentations and to address the concerns of East Hartford Senior Citizens, by detailing and explaining the changes being made. These changes have been in effect for several months now and have proven beneficial to the town and its seniors. Briefly stated, ridership is up, denials are down, efficiency has increased and the town has been able to absorb the cost of the round trip fares. No one who knows Mayor Tim Larson would ever question his commitment to and compassion for the senior Citizens of the town. Perhaps the greatest example of Tim's committment to the town's Seniors and the community as a whole can best be found in his Annual Mayor's Charity Ball. Over the past several years, Tim Larson has used this event to raise tens of thousands of dollars for numerous civic and charitable organizations. The East Hartford Interfaith Ministries, the East Hartford Youth Festival, the East Hartford Health Center and the East Hartford Senior Centers are but a few of these groups which have been able to supplement their civic and charitable activities through Mayor Larson's fund raising efforts. In a few years Susan Kniep will be able to avail herself of the many senior services and programs which have been implemented by Mayor Larson such as the Dial-A-Ride program. The findings of the Elections Enforcement Commission, coupled with statements attributed to Mrs. Kniep have exposed her allegations and complaints for what they truly are: Just the latest in a continuing tirade of cheap and malicious attacks on the character and integrity of Tim Larson"