News and Views about East Hartford
GOP party committee people as expected, reached, what else? for a name to oppose state Senator Gary LeBeau. Instead of being embarrassed with an empty slot in the fall election, they chose to be only somewhat embarrassed by selecting Susan Kniep, a Republican in name only. Mrs. Kniep has demonstrated a spectacular life in politics by generally agreeing only with herself. Others are invariably wrong, spendthrifts or are unable to accept her wisdom on issues.

Gary LeBeau will have a field day. Town Democrats are noted for saving past history of opposing candidates for future use. Although the state senate office is quite different from town government, nevertheless what will come out in the upcoming campaign will most likely deal with performance, character and attitude applicable in any political endeavor.

What comes to mind is a conversation a couple of town elections ago. I received a call from a former Republican town committee chairman. He wanted to know if I would join in with a good number of former GOP party chair persons to oppose Mrs. Kniep in the upcoming town mayoral contest. She was running as a Republican! I accepted that status but the announcement wasn't necessary as it became rather certain the lady had easily worn out her welcome and was not going to win.

As it has been for so many years local GOP committeepeople seek a sort of Messiah to somehow lead them to victory. Rebuilding the organization to attract candidates isn't on a long term agenda.

Susan Kniep became mayor by employing certain techniques mostly designed to create interest within disgruntled groups evident in any town. With enormous energy she "worked" the press on almost a daily basis for years with a continous stream of accusations, issues innuendo and boldness. It worked.

As mayor, other characteristics then became evident. She trusted few, rarely held department meetings usually consulting with one person at a time.

The eight years she dominated the news out of town hall turned East Hartford into the laughing stock of Connecticut that lingers even today.

The other three towns of the 3rd Senatorial District having also approved her nomination will now see first hand this legislative "wonder" as she roams the District to spread the truth as spoken from on high.

Those interested in such races should watch the flow of dollar contributions to the two candidates. It should have an important bearing on the final results.