News and Views about East Hartford

Looking to expand her role in government Susan Kniep received an unexpected boost in that direction recently. She was asked to join the local planning committee of the town's Economic Development Commission after severely criticizing efforts of the committee to develop a strategic development plan.

Searching for ways to increase her exposure in the public eye for her effort to stop any and all levels of expenditures, Kniep welcomed the chance to haggle every step of the way as the committee works on a master strategic plan for the town.

Kniep will report to Craig R. Stevenson who is also the chairman of the local Economic Development Commission. It's a rare appointment for a Democratic administration to make knowing the usual pattern of dialogue, questioning, and endless pursuit of everyone's real purpose and financing methods that she will attempt to expose. Stevenson's committee will absorb many hours of tales about the money spent that will come from taxpayers pockets; there will be no alternate plan offered however by Mrs. No

With a total devoid of sound business knowledge that all successful companies employ using debt to sponsor increased cash flow, earning levels, research and development, Mrs Kniep goes her merry way out of the mainstream of conventional corporate procedure. Example; Allowing grant moneys to remain idle to rehab the old EHHS leaving that to a more enlightened administration. The upcoming football stadium in the south end of town, don't go ahead, likewise Adriaen's Landing across the river.

It's a strange mindset and not a mainstream or popular view which the administration wisely chooses to ignore. During these properous times beltway congresspersons largely ignore anyone's proposed tax cuts.

It's my understanding Kniep at one time worked in the brokered investment world that surely must have taught her about investments for the future. But that was before the realization of heady newspaper headlines became apparent to the neophyte would-be government expert.